
艸愚軒 WAN GALLERY 由總監萬志軒 CHIH HSUAN WAN 成立於2022年,為一間專營於現代與當代藝術的藝廊,座落於臺灣新竹市,毗鄰日治時期的古蹟香山車站,該地區擁有豐富的人文氛圍,艸愚軒也透過文化品牌回應當地歷史。秉持著以藝術家為中心的經營理念,專注於藝術推廣,打造一個接軌於國際的當代藝術社群論壇。除了定期舉辦新生代藝術家的展覽計畫,品牌同時進行早期藝術先輩的系統性典藏,並憑藉專業的藝術史和商業藝術背景,創造當代藝術卓越的未來遺產價值。



WAN GALLERY was established in 2022 by its director CHIH HSUAN WAN. Situated in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, the gallery finds its home near the historic Xiangshan Train Station, a remnant of the Japanese colonial period. This locale's rich cultural heritage serves as a wellspring of inspiration for WAN GALLERY's cultural brand, harmonizing the past and the present.

The gallery operates on a principle that centers around artists, fervently dedicated to the promotion of modern and contemporary art. Its purpose goes beyond the conventional, aspiring to establish an international forum for the exchange of contemporary art within the history.

Beyond providing a platform for emerging artists, the gallery undertakes a systematic curation of seminal works from pioneers of the art world. With a firm grasp of art history and a foundation in the commercial aspects of art, WAN GALLERY aspires to cultivate a lasting legacy for contemporary art – one that transcends time and resonates with future generations.

Founder Chih Hsuan Wan possesses an academic background in art history and an acumen for the art business. With years of experience as a private art consultant, Wan's expertise lies in Chinese modern and contemporary art. Driven by a passion for unearthing and celebrating the core values of the Asian art community, Wan seeks to broaden the horizons of contemporary art in East Asia.

As a nascent enterprise, WAN GALLERY remains steadfast in its commitment to championing artists, seamlessly melding commercial viability with artistic integrity. The gallery's vision extends globally, encompassing ambitious projects such as international exhibitions, nurturing rising talents, collaborating with esteemed academic institutions, and fostering interdisciplinary ventures. WAN GALLERY aspires to emerge as a pivotal hub propelling East Asian contemporary art onto the international stage.