(b.1999) 2017年就讀於清華大學藝術設計系創作組及跨領域第二專長哲學學程。


HUNG YEN CHANG's works serve as a nuanced portrayal of specific experiences through the medium of painting. For him, the artistic process transcends mere sensory encounters, emphasizing that the artwork, as an object of observation, should offer more than a sensory experience. It extends beyond the mere representation of emotions or the documentation of particular events. Instead, it may encapsulate the unique perspective of a specific individual at a distinct place and time—a perspective that only he, with his particular outlook, can truly grasp.

Moreover, this experiential depth defies easy verbalization, adding an element of the ineffable. HUNG YEN CHANG believes that such experiences, rich and intricate, warrant exploration through various mediums. In his case, painting becomes a chosen means of communication, allowing for the expression of what words may struggle to convey.